Obtaining a Visa for Tanzania

All volunteers have entered Tanzania on a one year multiple entry tourist visa which will allow you to stay in Tanzania for a period of 90 days at a time. The visa costs $100 at the border. If asked, tell the passport inspector that you are visiting MUHAS (which is true). If you say you are working at MUHAS, they will give you a different visa which costs $300). You must pay in cash with a brand new $100 bill. $20 bills have also been accepted but a new $100 bill is preferred. The waiting time at the border for a Visa is often two hours (an unpleasant experience after a long flight, especially since there is limited seating).

You may prefer to obtain a visa prior to leaving at the Tanzanian Embassy for $100. You may also use a a visa company such as, CIBT (800) 929-2428, website: www.cibt.com. The cost of using a company to obtain a visa is close to $300.